The Services we provide include :
In home and virtual sessions
Assessment, treatment and consultation for children, teens and adults who stutter
Assessment, treatment and consultation for preschool and school-age children with language delays/disorders, social communication difficulties and other speech delays/disorders


Speech, Language And Social Communication
We aim to provide comprehensive stuttering assessment and treatment, using individualized goals for each client.
Goals may include:
improving speech fluency,
reducing physical tension,
building supportive family strategies,
working on underlying attitudes and beliefs,
positive self-acceptance.
Therapy is planned with establishing new patterns of communication, as well as purposely transferring those patterns to other speaking environments.
Maintenance of newly learned skills over time is another important aspect of planning intervention.
We work closely with families and involve them in treatment in order to best support the client’s growth between sessions.
We provide assessment and intervention for clients with:
Speech sound delays/disorders (e.g., speech sound development)
Language delays/disorders (e.g., early language learners, literacy & school-age language development)
Social communication difficulties (e.g. difficulties with turn-taking, using spontaneous language, topic maintenance, perspective-taking etc.)
We work collaboratively with clients and families to pick goals that are meaningful for them and that aim to create functional change.
In treatment sessions, we also involve families in order to best support the client’s growth between sessions.
Stuttering: Highlights of Related Education/Training
Lidcombe program for young children who stutter- Certification
Clinical Practicum at the Institute of Stuttering Treatment and Research
Stuttering Foundation of America Western Workshop: Diagnosis and Treatment of Children who Stutter
Adapting the Lidcombe program for school age children
Palin Parent Child Interaction Therapy
Fluency Indirect Treatment Protocol- The Speech & Stuttering Institute ​
Speech, Language & Social Communication: Highlights of Related Education/Training
More Than Words Certification- The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties
Talkability Certification- The Hanen Program® for Parents of Verbal Children on the Autism Spectrum
Introduction to PROMPT- Certification
Digging Deeper- Motor Speech Training- The Speech and Stuttering Institute
Motor Speech 201 Training- The Speech and Stuttering Institute
Autism Navigator-Early Intervention Provider Knowledge and Skills